Southern cal poets welcome their faraway poet friends to write, and join with musicians, scientists, artists, dancers on the site of their common inspiration.

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Writing, Poets on Site Calls for Poems

Join Poets on Site in four current programs, each one will include a special “tanka tour” section to our new books. (haiku and other poetry also welcome). Below the first call are the four current calls for poems:


Local Poets on Site visit the site of inspiration in person. Faraway poets are invited to join us by submitting poems inspired by websites that present the themes as a reminder for the local poets:

Poets on Site, near and far:

I am working on the text for “Art and Alchemy” our Poets on Site Book for the art of Stephen Lindsteadt. Please send your poems by Wednesday.
Here is the link.

Notice Stephen has added a beautiful new painting “Unknown Woman by a Mirror” and also and also the completed collaboration “Blue Bottle” artwork with our group. If you collaborated by adding a poem or art to the art piece please let us know so the list can be complete. Also you may want to write on that painting in particular, since it is finished!

Stephen will be with us on Sunday, Feb 27 so you will have a chance to read your poem to him! Write me for the schedule. I will be sending an email calendar but it is important to complete this book. Poets from afar, we will try to read your poems too, and will schedule another special performance later.

So far I have poems by Sharon Chmierlarz, Mina Kirby, Lois P Jones, Sharon Hawley, Radomir Vojtech Luza, Mira N. Mataric, Alex Nodopaka, Susan Rogers, Paula M. Stinson, and Kath Abela Wilson.
If you have sent a poem and you are not on this list, please re-send your poem. If you have a poem in progress, send by Wednesday. I know so many of you have enjoyed and been inspired by his beautiful artwork! So this is the time to send, and be included in this tour of his art.

If any of you would like to send haiku or tanka to be included, we will add a special section, a haiku and haibun tour, and a tanka tour of Art and Alchemy, for these to be appreciated.

Stephen’s book will get its ISBN # soon, and your work will be considered published once accepted for this book.

Art and Alchemy (Inspired by the Art of Stephen Linsteadt

Awakening (Inspired by a series of paintings by Susan Dobay

A Brush Captures the Vision: Paintings of France and Italy by Ron Libbrecht

An Unusual Garden, The Creative World of Jean Sudbury

Art and Alchemy (Inspired by the Art of Stephen Linsteadt

Awakening (Inspired by a series of paintings by Susan Dobay

A Brush Captures the Vision: Paintings of France and Italy by Ron Libbrecht

An Unusual Garden



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